Generating a new work: NightQueen Workshop Coming Up!!
I can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of this impossible year!
Even though the world is doing wayyyyy too much, I’m somehow still making time to create some new stuff.
This year, I’ve been excited to work with Prop Thtr’s dynamo Artistic Director, Olivia Lilley, on a development strategy for NightQueen, my new afro-surreal performing arts suite. And we finally have the opportunity to bring in some creative collaborators. That’s right! I’m about to dive into a virtual workshop on a new play!
We’ve got an awesome team coming together on a winter workshop of the material. Mikael Burke is on board as director, and we just finished an amazing casting process, managed by Karissa J Murrell Myers.
Chicago really showed out for this opportunity, with nearly 200 submissions for 4 roles. I’m really humbled by all this enthusiasm for the project. There were so many awesome folks who shared with us. Callbacks and final decisions were quite the challenge, but I’m thrilled with how things are shaping up!
I don’t usually have an ensemble involved this early on a script, but I”m looking forward to buil;ding something together. I don’t want to say too much just yet, except stay tuned for more, and huge thanks in advance to our four cast members for the workshop:
Collin Quinn Rice
Shariba Rivers
Johnard Washington
Harmony Zhang
Looking forward to working with y’all!!