2023 - Year in Review

2023 unfolded with so much upheaval – in global affairs, in our climate, in technology,  in the ways we relate to one another.


Definitely felt unsettling in different ways, but reflecting on the year also brings a sense of flexibility and renewed potential. 


I don’t know; maybe that’s just me. I have a lot to be thankful for. 

Here’s a few personal moments:


·      First trips to India (Kolkata) and Thailand (Bangkok)

·      First visit to the National Museum of African American History and Culture

·      First time trying acupuncture

And with my creative practice:

Beyond writing/producing, my work at Latz & Company was fairly heavy in 2023.  I’m grateful for the abundance of opportunity there, but I’m planning to release some of these commitments in 2024 to make more room for key creative opportunities. 


Still, I don’t take it lightly that I’ve been so fortunate this year. And, as always, I’ve made it a priority to share what I’ve reaped with worthy causes in my community and far afield.  Here’s a few organizations where  I put my donations recently:

The Fire The Time Festival

The Acre Residency

Midwest Access Coalition



WBEZ / Vocalo

Chicago Dramatists

Youth Empowerment Performance Project


water riot in the backward river festival June 8!


BREAKING… through, in, out, etc.