New Work Published in Michigan Quarterly Review

Exciting news this week!  I have a piece in the online folio for the latest special issue of Michigan Quarterly Review.  


MQR's spring special issue, Issue 62:2 SomaFlights


Guest edited by Vidhu Aggarwal & Petra Kuppers, this special issue features an eclectic mix, including new work from CA Conrad, Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Megan Milks, Cynthia Ling Lee, Bishakh Som, yours truly and more! 


Here's a bit from the foreword: "This issue offers invitations: dock with us to explore the tectonics of somatic imaginations. Fly with synesthetic energies, grounded in delicious sensory embodiment. Enjoy as the genres mix and flail in hyperdrive. Our travel themes twine around the cyber avatar, spaceship architectures, steampunk air messages from the multiverse."

The online folio features my "Prayer for a Priestexx Dark"  - a litany that manifests at various moments of my NightQueen Performance Suite.  It's a glimpse into my growing story-world, where near-future climate catastrophe collides with unbridled network technologies, and messengers from a distant time and space bring news of potential restoration... 

Check me out on Michigan Quarterly Review on Spotify!


Staging the Spectacular – Directors Panel at the Black Theatre Network Conference


Reflections on Afrofuturism(s)