water riot (in beta) on campus!
water riot (in beta) at the University of Illinois, Chicago Latino Cultural Center
I was so happy The UIC Freshwater Lab invited us to campus a few weeks ago to share water riot. This was a kick-off event for their fall semester and gave me some practice hosting the live-excerpt-performance version of the show.
Performers: Genevieve VenJohnson, Jasmine Robertson
Band: Steve Corley and Decoteau Black
with: Derek Lee McPhatter (Host/Lyricist) & Mike Przygoda (Composer / Bandleader)
Thank you to the teams at the Freshwater Lab and Latino Cultural Center who made it possible. And an extra special thanks to:
Rachel Havrelock
Professor, Department of English
Director, UIC Freshwater Lab
University of Illinois at Chicago
Omar Garcia He/Him
Master of Urban Planning & Policy Candidate
College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs
Freshwater Lab Research Assistant